Our new visiting professor has finally arrived in Japan! Prof. Scarlett Cornelissen from Stellenbosch University, South Africa, came to Japan in the middle of May and was in self-quarantine for 14 days after her arrival. While she stays in Japan as our visiting professor from June to September, for four months, she teaches both undergraduate and graduate courses at TUFS and will give a lecture for ASC Seminar.
Due to COVID-19, we had to give up inviting researchers from African countries last year, and we also had to postpone inviting Prof. Cornelissen for two months. She is the first visiting professor for us after a year and half.
Prof. Cornelissen specializes in international relations, especially Africa-Japan relations. In her classes which she has already started teaching online from South Africa from April, she gives interesting and detailed lectures for undergrad and graduate students. Profl Cornelissen has come to Japan many times and been close with many Japanese Africanists, including Prof. Takeuchi. Since her university, Stellenbosch University, is one of the partner universities of Inter-University Exchange Project (Africa), we bilieve that we can strengthen both the research and academic network with Africa-related institutions and organizations.
We'd like to express our gratitude for her for making so much efforts to come to Japan.
With our specially appointed researchers, Dr. Muratsu (left) and Dr. Murahashi (right)