第70回ASCセミナーでは、南アフリカ大学協会の元最高経営責任者であるアフメド?バワ教授にお話しいただきます。バワ教授は、東京大学と海外の研究者や研究機関を結ぶインターフェイスとして2019 年に設立された東京カレッジの招聘教員として日本に滞在中です。
◆講演者:アフメド?バワ 教授(東京大学東京カレッジ?招へい教員、ヨハネスブルグ大学ヨハネスブルグビジネススクール?教授)
◆演 題:Reimagining South African Universities in their Multiple Contexts
◆要 旨:
Universities have diverse and complex roles in the multilayered democracies in which they find themselves. They are finely interwoven into the long-term sustainability projects of societies through their production and application of knowledge, but they are also expected to address the immediate, prevailing challenges. The global and local dimensions of the grand challenges facing humanity speak to the imperative for concerted global responses to them. Universities span these dimensions.
In contemplating the profound social and economic impacts of the CoViD-19 pandemic universities around the world have been forced to reimagine themselves, driven in part by the view that they are (partly) complicit in the emergence of the non-sustainable human-earth nexus, the development of vast inequalities across societies, and the erosion of human dignity. In the South African context, the extensive student activism of 2015-2017 raised other serious concerns relating to the alienating nature of the knowledge project of the universities.
To address these large challenges, universities as knowledge-intensive social institutions must engage in processes of reimagination, beginning with understanding the extent to which the effectiveness of their roles as knowledge producers on the global stage depends on their interwovenness with local contexts. Finally, universities are special as knowledge-intensive institutions in that they have students. What are the implications of this for such reimagination processes?
◆日 時:2022年11月14日(月) 17:40~19:10(日本標準時)/8:40~10:10(グリニッジ標準時)
◆場 所:対面(欧宝体育平台_欧宝体育在线-app下载研究講義棟223教室)&オンライン(Zoomミーティング)
【報 告】