◆講演者:Prof.Dr.Antoine SOCPA
(キャノン財団 2023 フェロー / 京都大学、ヤウンデ第1大学芸術?文学?社会科学部人類学科/応用社会科学のための研究?トレーニングラボ)
◆演題:"Migration, land struggles, ethnicity and the quest for citizenship in urban and rural Cameroon"
◆要旨:Under this topic, we aim to reflect on issues of land struggles, ethnicity (belonging) and citizenship in Cameroon.
The data from this presentation are drawn from my previous and current field research and publications on land issues, ethnicity, the democratization process, citizenship, and migration in Cameron over the two decades. In Cameroon, the demands for citizenship, which have long been the concern of urban areas (between so-called indigenous and non-indigenous populations), are also expressed today in remarkably way in rural areas.
The quest for citizenship in an urban environment for migrants and their villages of origin is based on three obligations: ownership of the "city house" (maison de la ville); ownership of the "village house" (maison du village) and participation in local politics.
This urban-rural continuum and its social and political implications threaten Cameroonian villages' social and political stability.
The revenge of the villagers against their brothers (the city dwellers) who returned to settle in the homeland after their retirement tends to demonstrate to what extent ethnic links can be precarious and fragile.
◆日時:2023年10月13日(金) 17:40~19:10(日本標準時)/ 8:40~10:10(グリニッジ標準時)
◆場所:対面(欧宝体育平台_欧宝体育在线-app下载 研究講義棟 115教室)& オンライン(zoomミーティング)
定員:対面30名 ? オンライン300名
申し込み〆切:2023年10月11日(水)※ 定員に達し次第締め切らせていただきます。
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