クラウドファンディング募集サイト、Readyforにおける当センターのプロジェクト「紛争を乗り越えて。ルワンダの大学から日本へ留学生を招こう」における留学候補生、ムレカテテ?シュクル(Murekatete Shukulu)さんとエリー?ロドリグ?イチャーツェ(Elie Rodrigue Ichiatse)さんからのメッセージ全文を紹介します。
I want to start by saying hello to everyone. I hope you are doing well.
I am called Murekatete Shukulu. I am a second year student at Protestant Institute of Arts and Social Sciences (PIASS). It is located in Southern part of Rwanda. I study in the department of peace and conflict studies, one of the departments which belong to the faculty of Development Studies.
I have only two immediate family members: my mother and my brother. We grew up without having a father because he passed away when we were too young. We don't even know his face. This became the big challenge to me, because my mother had to do everything alone. Sometime it was very difficult for me. Most of the time I had difficulties in going to school because it was not easy for my mother to get all school material at the same time and at the right time. This caused me sometime to delay to go to school, because I had to wait until she could get school fees, notebooks, books and others things so that I could be able to go to school. But my mother tried hard to get all requirement as soon as possible so that I cannot continue to stay at home. Even if it was not easy for me, but I was lucky because I performed very well with highest marks in the classes, since I started school. This helped me to get different opportunities which helped me to be able to reach at university level. I got scholarship from PIASS because I applied for it and I passed the entry exam with the highest marks and I got the scholarship to cover a half of tuition fees. I am currently completing the second year at PIASS.
It has been long journey for me to reach at university level. Because I met different ups and downs in the path. But I was not discouraged because my goal was to become someone who is educated but also a person who can change the community in positive way. Now I am very happy because I am about to reach to my goal.
I am very happy to get this exciting opportunity of studying at TUFS. Because It is my great opportunity to study something new but also living one year in Japan because I will be able to learn many different things from you. I have heard many stories about Japan from my Japanese friends studying at PIASS. They are my teachers of Japanese language too. This made me to like the country so much. And now I am so excited to be in the country which is great chance to me.
Let me share with you the things which motivated me to study in Japan. First, I have been studying with Japanese Students for some time at PIASS. I have been impressed with many good characters they have. For example, they are very smart, well organized, friendly, kind and hard working. This made me to wish to go to Japan at least once in life because I want to learn from Japanese people. When I saw the application for the exchange program, I applied immediately because I thought that my dream of living with Japanese community is now becoming true.
I do love to study new things from different perspective. This motivated me a lot because I want to know new knowledge which will help me to be able to help my community. I know that Japan is a well-developed country and Rwanda is developing country. As a Rwandan, it is very good for me to learn from you so that I can be able to contribute a lot to the development of my country.
Also my desire to study with different people who are having different backgrounds motivated me to apply for the exchange program. I do love diversities and I found that studying In Japan is the way for me to experience that which is good for me.
Since I applied for studying in Japan I am having different expectations. I am excepting to get quality education which will increase my academic knowledge. I am hoping to learn many new things especially in the school of International and area Studies. Also, I am expecting to learn Japanese language as well as its culture. For the language I want at least to be able to communicate with someone who does not understand English in Japan. I am also expecting to make new Japanese friends.
Addition to all above is that, I am expecting to come back to my country with many different new things to share with people from my country so that they can be able to learn from Japan. After coming back from Japan, I will do different things which include:
To do different seminars with different people. So that I can share with them what I will be learning from Japan. I hope this will help people to gain knowledge because I will be sharing with them. I will do many different presentations with different people. But I have to start with my University.
Also, after coming back from Japan. I would like to start working with single mothers in helping them on how they can be able to have some income generating activities so that they can be able to get the money for paying school fees and other school materials for their children. This is because I know how it is not easy for them to take care of children alone.
I would like to finish by thanking everyone who are trying to raise funds so that I can be able to live and study in Japan. I really appreciate your help. And this showed me that you are really concerned with the bright future of Rwanda because you are educating young Rwandan like me. This is big contribution to Rwanda but also to Africa as well.
Thank you so much and I wish you all the best. May your all dreams become reality.
I am looking forward to see you in Japan
Murekatete Shukulu
I am by name Elie Rodrigue ICISHATSE. I am currently a second year student at PIASS in the department of peace and conflict studies. I grew up in a family of five children and I am the fourth one. My parents were always telling us to pursue education even though it was hard due to scarcity of financial means. In few words, I could not afford an education of quality in secondary school and university if I couldn't get support from my Government and other supporters.
Being an exchange student in Japan is a great opportunity for me. In fact, based on information given by Japanese classmates from TUFS and Dr. Kazuyuki Sasaki, I got to know how qualified education in Japan is. Thus, I am excited to study as an exchange student in Japan. My expectations are to learn strategies of building peace. Besides, as I am coming from Great Lakes region and Burundi, where violent conflicts had longed for many years, I am expecting to know how to break cycles of violence peacefully.
After my studies in Japan, I am ready to share new knowledge to my friends and classmates. Also, I want to initiate a program of breaking cycles of violence under one organization in Burundi (Innovation in Peace-making Burundi) that I am volunteering in.
I really want to say "Arigato gozaimasu" to each and every person who will support my studies in Japan. Your contribution is highly appreciated and will never be forgotten in my heart.
Elie Rodrigue ICISHATSE