現代アフリカ地域研究センターでは、日本アフリカ学会関東支部およびアフリカン?ウィークス2018実行委員会との共催で、第25回ASC セミナーを開催します。
◆演 題:Inter-basin water transfer: From the Congo basin to Lake Chad: Challenges and opportunities
◆要 旨:
Over the past 50 years, the lake Chad has shrunk from 25 000 Km2 in 1963 to less than 1500 km2 today. This unfolding tragedy is mostly due to bad water management and misuse, climate change and population pressure. If water continues to recede at the current rate, Lake Chad could disappear in about twenty years from now, according to NASA climate forecasts.
This will have severe consequences on 30 million people living on its shores.
The solution that is currently being contemplated is that of an inter- basin water transfer from the Congo basin to the lake. Can the Congo basin afford such transfer? If so, how? where? And when? When one knows that Congo basin forests are dependent on the abundant rains that fall on the region whilst rainfalls are heavily (85-95%) dependent on the forest evapotranspiration.
◆日 時:2018年12月6日(木) 17:40~19:10
◆場 所:欧宝体育平台_欧宝体育在线-app下载 研究講義棟317教室