


2019年1月15日(火) 17:40~19:10





◆演 題:Negotiating power and agency in Ghana's Asian nexus

◆要 旨:Frequently touted for its stellar credentials grounded in stable democratic governance and a robust track record of development, Ghana courts its growing status as one of the fastest growing economies. This lecture broadly explores economic ties between Ghana and Japan as well as China's pivot to Ghana. I examine lucrative partnerships with China to argue that Ghana's ascendance will depend on how well it protects its agency in an era where 'runaway' development and resource politics may imperil Ghana's promise in the 21st century. In addition, I contend that despite the difficulty of replication, Japan's trajectory offers potent institutional lessons that augur well for Ghana's sustainable development.

◆日 時:2019年1月15日(火) 17:40~19:10

◆場 所:欧宝体育平台_欧宝体育在线-app下载研究講義棟104教室



