◆演 題:Employment and Empowerment in the Rural Central Ethiopian Context: How does women's income earning impact on their agency?
◆コメンテーター:児玉 由佳氏
◆要 旨:The empowerment discourse has historically evolved over time. The recent women's empowerment approaches give less attention to the concept's original transformative meaning focusing particularly on provision of services and resources among which include enhancing women's income earning opportunities. The Ethiopian government has been undertaking several initiatives since the early 1990s which have contributed to the recent socio-economic phenomena taking place in the country: women's increasing entry into the labour force. The rate of increase is particularly higher in rural areas. The presentation focuses on a case study conducted in the rural central Ethiopia with the intention to examine how women's participation in income earning activities impacts on their agency at micro level.
◆日 時:2019年6月13日(木)14:20 ~ 15:50
◆場 所:欧宝体育平台_欧宝体育在线-app下载研究講義棟105教室