女性研究者がグローバルに認められ、さらに成長していくステップとして、国際学会での英語による発表は重要性が増しつつあります。 本学では外国人講師による「国際学会での英語発表力強化セミナー」として、昨年度は「効果的な英文アブストラクトの書き方」を、本年度は「英語でのプレゼンテーションスキル」を開催し、連携機関からの参加者を含め、大変好評を得ました。
タイトル:English Abstract/Presentation Skills for International Academic Conferences
国立大学法人欧宝体育平台_欧宝体育在线-app下载 男女共同参画推進部会
〒183-8534 東京都府中市朝日町3-11-1
TUFS was chosen in 2016 to participate in the 'Initiative for Realizing Diversity in the Research Environment', Funds for the Development of Human Resources in Science and Technology Project, and has since been actively providing support towards the research activities of female researchers.
As a step towards female researchers being recognized on the global stage, the importance of English presentations at international conferences is growing. To support this, TUFS has established a 'Seminar on English Presentation Skills for International Academic Conferences'. With last year's seminar focusing on 'How to Write an Effective English Abstract', and this year's on 'English Presentation Skills', this seminar has proved to be popular with both TUFS students and students from partner institutions.
Recently, to assist researchers (both those who participated in the seminar, and those who could not), a pamphlet containing two years' worth of seminar content was published and distributed to TUFS' partner and network institutions.
Title: English Abstract/Presentation Skills for International Academic Conferences
(Including English presentations tips, points to remember, and a level diagnosis checksheet)
While this pamphlet is of course useful for female researchers, its content is applicable and useful to all researchers who give presentations at international conferences (including both male and student researchers).
For inquiries concerning this pamphlet and seminar, please contact us via the information below.
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Gender Equality Promotion Office
〒183-8534 3-11-1 Asahi-cho, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo
※ please replace [at] with @.