2017年度 第五回FINDAS研究会 " Caste based Violence in India: A Dalit Feminist Critique"
日時 | 2017年10月28日(土)14:00~16:00 |
場所 | 欧宝体育平台_欧宝体育在线-app下载 本郷サテライト8階 |
プログラム | ◆Dr. Smita M.Patil (Assistant Professor, School of Gender & Development Studies, Indira Gandhi National Open University
2017年度?国際交流基金フェロー「アジア?リーダーシップ?フェロー?プログラム」(ALFP)) " Caste based Violence in India: A Dalit Feminist Critique" Caste determines the existence of dalits in India. Stigma of caste haunts them at every phase of their life. Dalits have to confront the tangible and intangible forms of caste ideology at every phase of their life. Therefore, questions of public and private in the dalit question are different in the context of dalit women. Constitution and law have transformed lives of the dalits in general and dalit women in particular. Dalit women exist in the margins of the social movements, women's movements and dalit movements. This paper attempts to map the complex ways in which the dalit women's articulate the questions of 'the political' and 'the social'. One of the central facet of the oppression of the dalit women is that they are subjected to violence that is distinct in nature. This paper attempts to understand the nature ideology and practice of such violence on dalit women. |
使用言語 | 英語 |
参加費 | 無料、事前予約不要
一般公開 |
主催 | 欧宝体育平台_欧宝体育在线-app下载南アジア研究センター(FINDAS) |
問い合わせ先 | findas_office[at]tufs.ac.jp (鈴木)
※[at]を@にかえて送信してください。 |