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【フォトレポート】PIASS受入 アミッシさん①


Kurayami Festival

Kurayami Matsuri is one of the Tokyo’s most popular and one with with a rich and long history with roots that extend far back as the 11th century. This festival is mostly religious and the most interesting events take place in the darkness because the belief is that sacred things should not be seen with the naked eye. In 2010, it was designated as a Folk cultural Treasure, and surely the event attracts a lot of people from different backgrounds. This festival takes place during the Golden Week especially from 3-6th May but the rituals for preparing the activity take place from 30th April.

We got a great opportunity both students from Zambia and from Rwanda to join this wonderful festival with our Professors and Mr. Nakano who invited and gave us Happi Coat. It happened on 4th May 2023 . The festival featured portable shrines(mikoshi) carried during the night for the gods power sake, taiko drumming, floats and lights and took place in Fuchu city which was so crowded and bustled with people. It was such an amazing experience to be part of this great festival.

祭(matsuri, festival) attending Kurayami Festival was such an amazing experience not only for us but for many attendees. It was beyond a religious festival in a way that it was including many more people from different backgrounds. In my opinion Kurayami Festival gives a good illustration of unity and collaboration because with such a great event, unity must be at the center and also cooperation. The event was so much productive and effective, especially a I enjoyed the dancing part.There were also six giants drums, eight portable Shrines that departed from Okunamata Shrine which made the festival more enjoyable and wonderful.

Thank you so much for this great opportunity.


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