シンポジウム仝晩云DアフリカvSを宥した グロ`バルY云麼xの答登議篇才禅悄⊃實g、除旗來々 Re-examining Global Capitalism from the Perspective of Afro-Japanese Relations : Land, Space and Modernity
2018.1.29 _岸
晩r / Date&Time | 2018定1埖29晩埖13:00゛18:00 29 Jan. 2018 (Mon.) 13:00 - 18:00 |
侭 / Venue | 天右悶圄峠岬_天右悶圄壓-app和墮 冩梢vx 101 縮片 / Research & Lecture Building, room 101, TUFS アクセス / キャンパスマップ |
児{鷂 / Keynote Address | キャロル?グラック┘灰蹈鵐咼寄僥 / Carol Gluck (Columbia University) "The World Today: Why Modernity Matters More in Lesotho than in London" 仝弊順はいまDDヾモダニティゝがロンドンではなく、レソトでわれる尖喇々 ☆キャロル?グラック箆は脅栽によりビデオv處となります *Dr. Carol Gluck performs a video lecture for certain reasons. 冷坪M匯天右悶圄峠岬_天右悶圄壓-app和墮 F旗アフリカ仇囃冩梢センタ` / Shinichi Takeuchi (African Studies Center, TUFS) "Land and Power in Contemporary Africa: Understanding Drastic Rural Changes in the Age of Land Reform" 仝F旗アフリカにおける輿仇と愾ΘDD輿仇個醐のr旗における仇囃芙氏のゝ篁々 |
鷂 / Speakers | 瓲紅t徨貧崘寄僥 / Noriko Hataya (Sophia University) 圻笥舞寄僥/ Takeshi Haraguchi (Kobe University) 恃儲崎掴アジアF旗屓嵶雰/ Hiroshi Sato (Contemporary political history of South Asia) 嶄表崘穽咤天右悶圄峠岬_天右悶圄壓-app和墮/ Chikako Nakayama (TUFS) |
ディスカッサント / Discussants | 梳小寔o徨天右悶圄峠岬_天右悶圄壓-app和墮 / Makiko Sakai (TUFS) 嗔械茶天右悶圄峠岬_天右悶圄壓-app和墮 / Tsutomu Tomotsune (TUFS) |
聞喘冱Z / Language | 哂Z?晩云Z揖r宥U原き / English and Japanese(with simultaneous interpretation) |
/ Intended audience | 僥伏、匯違 / Students, open to the public |
秘 / Admission | o創枠彭賦zみ音勣 Free, no preregistration required |
慌岸 / Organized by | 寄僥垪忽H晩云僥冩梢垪、F旗アフリカ仇囃冩梢センタ` / Institute of Japan Studies & African Studies Center |